Single-Sex Bowls Events – Information Update
Following advice provided via the Bowls Victoria website on 23 December 2016 about single-sex bowls events, Bowls Victoria and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) continue to develop new guidance material for Club use.
It is anticipated that the new guidance material plus the brochure currently on the Bowls Victoria website, Equal opportunity in lawn bowls, what you need to know about holding single-sex competitions will enable Clubs to decide whether their single-sex bowls event satisfies the ‘exception’ provisions applying under the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act (the Act).
Advice provided via VEOHRC following a review of VCAT applications suggests many Clubs may be unsure or unaware of the ‘exception’ provisions that can be applied for single-sex bowls events.
Deciding whether your Club’s proposed single-sex bowls event satisfies the ‘exception’ provisions of the Act is crucial because if it does then a VCAT application for exemption is not required.
We understand Clubs are seeking the release of the new guidance material as soon as possible but Bowls Victoria and VEOHRC also understand from Clubs that they want the guidance material to be practical, easy to use and relevant to the different types of situations requiring consideration by Clubs.
Getting the right information in the right format for the Clubs unfortunately requires time. And this means we cannot confirm a date when the new guidance material will be available. But as we continue to move forward, Clubs will regularly receive further updates about this matter.
VOEHRC Representative to attend the next BVVR meeting
Bowls Victoria is pleased to announce that a VEOHRC representative will be our keynote speaker at the next BVVR meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 12 April 2017. After their presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
To ensure we use this time effectively, Clubs, Divisions, Regions and BVRR’s are being asked to submit their questions prior to the meeting.
In order to compile a list of questions for response by the VEOHRC representative on the day of the meeting, Bowls Victoria is requesting that all questions be supplied direct to Bowls Victoria by COB Wednesday 5 April 2017. Please forward your questions to
The venue for the 12 April BVRR Meeting is MCC Bowls Section, Swinburne Avenue, Hawthorn and an agenda and meeting time will be forwarded to Divisions, Regions & BVRR’s closer to that date.
Many thanks in anticipation of your cooperation in providing feedback via questions on this very important topic.
Graeme Bridge