UPDATE: Monday 12th September, 2022.
The Victorian Government has announced amendments to the pandemic orders to align with recent decisions made by National Cabinet.
From 11.59pm on Thursday 8 September, the following changes apply:
- The self-isolation period for positive COVID-19 cases who don’t have symptoms on day five of their isolation will reduce from seven to five days – excluding people who work in high-risk settings
- The requirement to wear masks on domestic flights will also be lifted.
Additional self-isolation requirements
The new orders around the self-isolation period for positive cases include some additional requirements to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
Anyone leaving isolation after five days cannot visit or work at a sensitive setting – such as hospitals, residential aged care, disability care settings or in-home care for the next two days, or if they have COVID-19 symptoms.
As an additional risk mitigation, people who leave isolation after five days are recommended to:
- Undertake rapid antigen testing in the days following their isolation and test negative before attending their workplace or other settings of higher risk,
- Wear a mask in indoor settings outside the home – in line with existing recommendations.
Close contacts
There are no changes to the current isolation requirements for close contacts, who can continue to leave home each day, provided they continually test negative on a rapid antigen test.
The Minister’s Statement of Reasons and the Chief Health Officer’s advice will be published on the Department of Health’s website within seven days of the orders coming into effect.
Businesses or organisations with on-site operations (including home-based businesses) need to continue to have a COVIDSafe Plan which is regularly reviewed and updated. Victorians are encouraged to make sure they are up to date with vaccinations, wear a good quality face mask when in an indoor space and unable to socially distance and maintain good ventilation indoors.
Additional Resources
For the latest Premier’s COVID-19 Statements, please click here.
Links to the latest COVID-19 information and resources, including current restriction levels, are available from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) here.