Remote Learning

Bowls is a safe ‘social distance’ sport for kids of all ages and abilities.

One of the best things about bowls is the fact you can learn how to play at your first attempt. While it’s undoubtedly a game of great skill and tactics, bowls is also refreshingly simple.

Our Indoor Bowls Activities can all be created in your own home using things you have around the house. If you don’t have an actual bowl that’s OK! You can use any other type of ball you have at home.

Click the thumbnails to download the activity sheets ↴


Watch how it’s done! ↴

Our Alternative Bowls Games are easy to set up, run and adaptable to anywhere in and outdoors!

Click the thumbnails to download the activity sheets ↴


To gain exclusive access to all games please register for the Teacher Ambassador Program below ↴

The Bowls Victoria LAWMAN has put your students in jail!

Complete the puzzles to escape. Do your students have the knowledge and skills?!

Click the thumbnail to download the activity sheet ↴

Answer sheet   Answer sheet

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