Victoria wins RSL National Championship
Victoria has won its fourth National RSL Championship in five years, successfully winning all five Tests at the 2017 National RSL Bowls Carnival in Adelaide.
The 50th National RSL Bowls Carnival was held at the Marion Bowls Club, with states vying for the Jack Hamilton VC Trophy.
This carnival is run on an annual basis with each of the six states hosting the event on a rotational basis. Queensland is host for the 51st National Carnival in April 2018.
Twenty players in five rinks of four, as selected by their respective state bodies, compete in 5 tests over two and a half days in fierce but friendly competition.
This competition also allows all participants to renew old acquaintances and to create new and lasting friendships with all the people who have served our country with courage, dignity and pride.
Congratulations to all Victoria’s players for a magnificent effort.
This event is open to full service RSL members only, but Victorian RSL Lawn Bowls conducts a few RSL State events open to all Affiliate and Service members. These include:
* RSL State fours and triples championships,
* ANZAC Day Tournament and the Challenge Day tournament,
* Duke of Edinburgh Shield. This shield is conducted over one weekend in April across multiple locations in Victoria with an approximate participation rate of 1600 RSL bowlers.
If you are an affiliated bowler with Bowls Victoria and are an affiliate or service RSL member please consider joining your district RSL Lawn Bowls Section.
– By John Strybosch