2016 Moama Summer Pairs
Moama Bowling Club’s popular Summer Pairs returns for 2016 on Monday December 19 and Tuesday, December 20.
Play is 2x2x2x2 pairs, any combination. There’s $6,800 prizemoney on offer.
Day 1’s rankings will determine the grading of teams for day 2.
9.30am start both days.
Entry Fee is $80 (including afternoon tea)
Entries are limited to the first 42 teams received.
Entries to: Bowls Department, Moama Bowling Club P.O. Box 19, Moama NSW 2731.
FreeCall 1800 806 777, or (03) 5481 3760. Fax: (03) 5481 3729 or email: bowls@moamabowlingclub.com.au
For further tournament information, click here for the event flyer