Kevyn Brown Memorial Open Fours
One of Melbourne’s most enduring bowls tournaments has sadly undergone a name change.
Yarraville-Footscray’s A E (Bert) Brown Open Fours has been run for the past 27 years.
But with the recent sad passing of long-time event sponsor Kevyn Brown, the event will now be known as the Kevyn Brown Memorial Open Fours with the Brown Family to remain as sponsors.
The 2017 event will be held on Saturday, January 7 with a 10am start.
Entry fee is $80 per team, including a two-course lunch with wine supplied.
Play is four games of 10 ends, with four-game winners to play off over three ends.
Winners will receive $800, runners-up $400 with best second and third game prizes also.
For entries contact Wayne Roberts on 0423 725090, or email