We need your club’s Participation Data
Regulations Update
The Board regularly reviews the Bowls Victoria Regulations and adds any new policy and procedures they have approved.
You can find the latest version of the Regulations with the amendments highlighted here
Some of these amendments simply relate to formatting or the use of consistent wording and numbering.
However, there is a new policy asking Clubs to assist BV to collect data about people who are playing bowls in Victoria. See Section 28.13.
Participation Information
Finding out how many people play bowls in Victoria is the key to more funding for you, and for our sport. Those putting the money into the sport want to know how many people take part in it.
Funding and grants for bowls and bowls clubs from organisations like VicHealth, from governments and local councils, and from potential sponsors, all depend on finding out this information. Those numbers ultimately determine the level of funding bowls receives.
Bowls Victoria has put together a simple form to help Clubs provide us with data on how many people play bowls at their Club.
It’s easy to fill in, and requires just a few minutes of your time to help us get the numbers right.
We know Clubs have different approaches to who can play bowls on their greens but whether they are members of your Club is not important for this data activity. We are simply seeking information about people who play bowls.
We will use those numbers to prepare our case for the best possible funding and sponsorship for our sport. This information will also help Clubs have the best chance of receiving available government and council grants.
To help you categorise who you would include on the form, Bowls Victoria has prepared a handy infographic. We call someone who does not play bowls, a Social participant and you would not include them. The main focus is who plays bowls and whether that is Pennant or another kind of bowls.
Don’t worry about being absolutely exact. Just try and be as accurate as you can to reflect how many Pennant and Transitional participants are playing at your club.
As this is a new initiative, we are asking all Clubs to submit a completed form by Wednesday, December 7, 2016, and let us know what you think. This will give us an opportunity to address any issues you may have with the form before you will be required to start submitting the form twice a year from February 2017.
You can find the form and instructions on how to fill it in here