Bowls Victoria Board Election Results 2016
In accordance with the requirements of the Bowls Victoria Constitution under Rule 18 (f), the votes cast by Clubs for the 2016 Election of Board Directors were counted on Tuesday, 27 September 2016.
Votes were received from 320 Clubs, a 61% response from Clubs eligible to vote.
Votes from 311 Clubs were cast formally and votes from nine Clubs were deemed to be informal.
For the two male Board Director positions available at this election, nominations were received from Scot Nicholson (Ballan BC), Phil Gude (Dromana BC) and John Fisher (Rutherglen BC).
For the election of two male Elected Board Directors the votes recorded as per positions on the ballot paper were:
Scot Nicholson (Ballan BC) 230
Phil Gude (Dromana BC) 163
John Fisher (Rutherglen BC) 229
Scot Nicholson (newly elected) and John Fisher (continuing) are therefore declared elected or continuing, effective following the 2016 Bowls Victoria Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 24 October 2016.
Many thanks to unsuccessful candidate Phil Gude for re-nominating and rendering his outstanding service to the Bowls Victoria Board during his terms as a Bowls Victoria Elected Board Director.
Board Directors Barbara Gilbert (Ocean Grove BC) and Valerie Savage (Webbcona BC) were re-elected unopposed to the two available female Board Director positions, also effective following the 2016 Bowls Victoria Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 24 October 2016.
Graeme Bridge
Returning Officer