BV Bulletin No. 234
Issue 234 – 19 June 2015
New fortnightly Bowls Victoria newsletter
Our new fortnightly e-newsletter, which will replace The Shot magazine, is on track for launch in early July.
It will be delivered via email direct to members.
All we need is people’s email addresses to make it happen.
If you know of someone who should be getting our fortnightly e-newsletter, but hasn’t yet subscribed, tell them to go to our website and look for the Subscribe section on the right-hand-side, and fill in their email address to be added to our delivery list.
Or get them to click here and fill in the Subscribe section, and they can get up-to-date communications from us.
We are really looking forward to launching the fortnightly e-newsletter, which will make it easier than ever for our members to keep up to date with results, upcoming events, and all the news from the elite to the grassroots.
2015 Australian Open
Fitzroy Victoria’s Jett Simmons has headlined some impressive Victorian efforts so far at the Australian Open on the Gold Coast.
Seven-year-old Jett, the youngest player on show by far at the sport’s Australian showcase event, teamed with NSW bowler Alan Fawcett to win their section of the men’s pairs.
And Jett’s effort and ability at a young age have gained plenty of attention nationally. Jett found himself in the headlines of local papers The Courier Mail and Gold Coast Bulletin, and featured on Nine News in Queensland and the network’s national news after his effort to beat the adults.
His performance also created plenty of comment on social media.The comment from Christopher Birchall on Bowls Victoria’s Facebook page here certainly made us smile!
Jett’s not the only Victorian to make it to the tournament’s business end.
We’ve noticed Heatherdale Bowls Club’s Lucas Protopapas, Jayden Christie (Werribee)and Josh Corless (Bundoora) have won their sections of the men’s singles.
Kyneton teenager Chloe Stewart and Tiff Brodie (Fitzroy Victoria) are also through to the women’s singles business end after winning their sections.
Whilst we appreciate that not everyone is going to finish as event champions, we still want to wish you all continued success in your endeavours to pick up an event title and a share of the prize money on offer.
To the many club bowlers who made the trip north for this year’s event we hope that you’ve enjoyed the competition, greens and the opportunity to visit some great clubs in the Gold Coast District. Click here to view results and read about some of the interesting news coming out of the event, which ends on June 25.
Under 18 Gold and Silver Squads Activity Day (Vermont South)
On Saturday, June 20,all eyes will be focused on Vermont South BC where the Under 18 Gold andSilver squads will be taking part in an activity day.
A highlight of the activities will be the presentation to all squad members of their squad shirts by Bowls Victoria Deputy President Barbara Gilbert who’ll be filling in for State President John Fisher who is currently overseas.
For all the information relating to who has made it into the Gold and Silver squads for the under 18’s for the coming season’s activities click here.
It’s from these squads that representative teams will be selected for the Test series in 2015-16.
Jim Lawford on the mend
Great news to hear that Bendigo Campaspe Bowls Region stalwart Jim Lawford is out of hospital after periods of care in Melbourne and Echuca.
Jim will definitely be taking things slowly at least for a while, but as most of us who know Jim will realise, you can’t keep him down for long!
Full steam ahead with your recovery Jim and we hope you’re the perfect patient at home for Joy!
Metropolitan Pennant Nominations for Season 2015-16
Just a reminder that there is only 11 days left if you haven’t already put in your nominations for BV Metropolitan Mid-week and Saturday Pennant for season 2015-16. These are due at Bowls Victoria by Wednesday July 1.Click hereto go direct to the Pennant Section of the BV website to see what is on offer for this year’s Metro Pennant competitions.
Just $10 and your footy gear will get you a game at Stawell Bowling Club and Mallee Sports Assembly’s Access All Abilities bowls day on September 17.
Click here for all the details.
And keep an eye out on our social media outlets for the hashtag #AAAbowls for all the news of Access All Abilities events coming up.
Bowls Victoria Board Elections
Information and Nomination forms have been sent out to all Clubs, Divisions and Regions advising of the Election for Board of Directors for Bowls Victoria.
Rule 17.3 of the Bowls Victoria Constitution requires that the positions held by two female Elected Directors (Rosemary Varty and Pamela van Huizen) and two male Elected Directors (Murray Rowe and John Inglese – appointed casual vacancy for Graeme Kelly) shall be declared vacant at the Bowls Victoria Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, October 22, 2015. Nomination Forms are available via the Bowls Victoria website.
Nomination Forms are to be correctly completed and signed by affiliated members representing two different clubs and supported by written consent of the person being nominated. Rule 18(c)(ii) requires that completed Nomination Forms be returned to the Chief Executive no later than the date specified (as below). Under no circumstances will late nominations be accepted. Assuming that the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies an election must then be held.
The timetable for the conduct of such election is as follows:
Thursday, 11 June 2015 Nomination Forms distributed to clubs.
Friday, 31 July 2015 Nominations close at 4.30pm at Bowls Victoria.
Monday, 17 August 2015 Voting papers issued to clubs.
Friday, 25 September 2015 Voting closes at 4.30pm.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015 Votes counted.
Wednesday, 30 September 2015 Declaration of election results.
Thursday, 22 October 2015 Annual General Meeting.
Expression of Interest – Bowls Victoria Finance & Audit Committee
Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified persons for consideration for available positions as Committee members on the Bowls Victoria Finance & Audit Committee. The objective of the Bowls Victoria Finance and Audit Committee is to assist the Bowls Victoria Board to discharge its responsibilities by monitoring and advising on all aspects of the financial management of Bowls Victoria Inc.
It is intended that all members of the Bowls Victoria Finance & Audit Committee will have relevant qualifications and experience (ie be a qualified accountant or other finance professional with experience of financial and accounting matters) and be financially literate and have familiarity with financial management.
Please refer to the Bowls Victoria Finance & Audit Committee Terms of Reference (click here) for a complete explanation of the duties and responsibilities associated to members of this committee. Bowls Victoria is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Organisation and seeks gender balance where possible in all appointments to committees.
The time commitment in applying for a role on the Finance & Audit Committee is to attend a meeting every second Thursday of the month, plus meeting preparation and review time each month with an occasional extra meeting for budget review/special projects/Year End Financial Reporting and the like. Click here to obtain the Expression of Interest Form, Terms of Reference for the F & A Committee and to view the 2013-14 Annual Report and Financial Figures.
Expression of Interest – Bowls Victoria Committees
We thank those members who have already submitted expressions of interest for Bowls Victoria State Committees. We recognise and greatly value the important contributions made by all State Committees and the Committee members involved in the administering of the sport in conjunction with Bowls Victoria. Currently we require specific support on the Bowls Victoria Awards Committee and we make this approach to all members to consider their nominating for a role to assist in this area. Please refer to the Expression of Interest Form available from the Bowls Victoria website by clicking here to be completed by anyone interested in being considered for membership of a Bowls Victoria Committee for season 2015–2016. Should you be interested in putting your name forward for any of the Committees listed on the EOI Form, we welcome you to do so. If new to a Bowls Victoria Committee it would be helpful to include your CV, or a brief outline of your relevant experience in your area of interest. Terms of Reference for each Committee can be found on the Bowls Victoria website by clicking here. We would appreciate all forms and any accompanying documentation be returned to Bowls Victoria by Friday,July 17.
National Ranking Points
Have you had a look yet at the online information currently available that displays the National Ranking Points accumulated by participating bowlers in events and tournaments that are being staged right across the country? The majority of these events are open to all-comers who wish to enter. There are lists for male rankings and female rankings and Victoria has many players featured on both lists as a result of our State Championships being decided in April. Click here to have a look and be surprised at finding someone you might know!
Bowls Victoria – Volunteer of the Year Award
It’s great that information is coming in to Bowls Victoria referring to details of Club Nominations for the Volunteer of the Year Award. Hopefully the Nomination documentation required is being forwarded through to the Regions to enable them to consider their Region Volunteer of the Year, to then be considered for the Bowls Victoria Club Volunteer of the Year Award to be announced at the Bowls Victoria AGM in October 2015. Whilst we’ve been actively encouraging and promoting this for a number of weeks now,the closing date of June 30 is coming up fast. Full details of how the Volunteer of the Year program operates can be referred to by clicking this link to the Bowls Victoria website.
Upcoming Events
Tongala BC: Geoff Cameron Open Singles on Saturday and Sunday, September 19 and 20.
Please refer to this flyer for further information. Sectional Play singles on Day 1, and then knockout singles on Day 2. $2,000.00 prize money on offer with an entry fee of $50.00 per player. For details contact Sam Lyon on 0478 814 123 or email or click here for the event flyer. Entries close Sunday,August 30.
Numurkah Golf & BC: Plumbtec 2 Bowl Golden Pairs in its 11th year will be held at Numurkah Golf and Bowls Club from October 18-20. The event is run over the three days, with three games of two bowls x 21 ends each day. Prize money in total is $15,000, with winners paid down to 10th place. This tournament has had enormous success over the years it has been conducted and is attended by some very well-credentialed bowlers. For entries or enquiries please contact Bruce Agnew, 0408 375 189 or 5862 1849
Club Information Returns
A reminder that Bowls Victoria is currently producing its Annual Information Guide. To ensure all our information is up-to-date we ask that all clubs please take a small amount of time to fill in the online form listing office holders and information about their club.Please ensure if your club has not already submitted this information to do so as soon as possible. That will ensure the Information Guide does not go to print with old information. Please also ensure you fill out the return using a mix of upper and lower case letters – not all in capital letters.The link to the survey is here. We really appreciate your help and look forward to including all clubs in the new guide.
Feedback to Bowls Victoria – Weekly Bulletin
Thanks to everyone who has sent material through to Bowls Victoria for the Bulletin. Excellent feedback has been provided by Clubs who have benefitted from having their material included. In trying to make sure that we cover as much of the state as we possibly can, the invitation to provide news items or upcoming events is a rolling one and we’re asking for content to be sent in so we can get the messages out to everyone. If there’s a specific item that you want to submit, send it in via email to and where possible we’ll include it in upcoming editions of the Bulletin.
Any comments/questions: please email to Bowls Victoria c/o
For further information on Bowls Victoria, we provide updates reguarly at