Call for Bowls Victoria Director nominations

by Team BV

Each year Bowls Victoria seeks nominations for two female and two male elected Director positions for a two-year term to join the Bowls Victoria Board.
Directors must act in the best interests of Bowls Victoria and are to use their best efforts to ensure Bowls Victoria is properly managed and constantly improved. The principle role of the Bowls Victoria Board is to:
·         Oversee, approve and monitor strategy;
·         Oversee the implementation of the Business Plan including the Annual Budget;
·         Appoint the Chief Executive and evaluate his or her performance;
·         Provide guardianship of corporate values;
·         Monitor the integrity of financial reporting;
·         Oversee risk management and legal compliance; and
·         Oversee stakeholder communications.

What are the requirements?
·         Nominees must be a member of a bowls Club affiliated with Bowls Victoria;
·         Nominees should be aware of the time commitment involved; the Board meets mid-week from 10am to 3pm eight times each year and Board committees also meet several times a year as required. All Board and committee meetings are held at the Bowls Victoria offices in Hawthorn East;
·         In addition to Board meetings, Directors may be asked to make occasional trips in support of the association’s strategy by attending bowls and non-bowls events. Travel and accommodation expenses incurred are reimbursed at cost;
·         This is a voluntary role without remuneration.

Further Information
Rule 17.3 of the Bowls Victoria Constitution requires that the positions held by two female Elected Directors (Barbara Gilbert and Valerie Savage) and two male Elected Directors (Rob Blachford and John Fisher) shall be declared vacant at the Bowls Victoria Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 24 October 2018.

Nominees are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Bowls Victoria Constitution, Strategic Plan 2018-2022 and Board Charter which are available on the Bowls Victoria website

Desired Attributes of a Director:  
·         Demonstrates integrity by putting the association’s interests before personal interests and acting ethically;
·         Has curiosity and courage to ask questions and persist in asking or challenging management and fellow Directors where necessary;
·         Demonstrates advanced interpersonal skills by working well in a group, listening well and respectfully communicating their point of view;
·         Demonstrates good business instincts and acumen and an ability to get to the crux of the issue quickly;
·         Able to be an active contributor with adequate time to devote to the association’s affairs, read Board papers and actively contribute during meetings.

How to Apply:
Nominees must complete the nomination form with an introduction and career statement and attach their CV (no more than 4 pages).
Nomination Forms are to be signed by members representing two (2) different Clubs affiliated with Bowls Victoria and supported by written consent of the person being nominated.
Nominations via email to must be received no later than 4.30pm, Friday 27th July 2018. No late nominations will be accepted.

Election Process:
When the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies, an election must be held.
The timetable for the conduct of an election is as follows:



Friday, 15 June 2018

Nomination Forms distributed to Clubs

Friday, 27 July 2018

Nominations close at 4.30pm

Monday, 13 August 2018

Voting papers issued to Clubs

Friday, 21 September 2018

Voting closes at 4.30pm

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Votes counted

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Declaration of election results

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Annual General Meeting

Rule 18(a) of the Constitution requires that the Chief Executive shall call for nominations to fill these vacancies, and that the Chief Executive or his nominee shall act as the Returning Officer in the event that an election is required.

Please contact Graeme Bridge at or 03 9861 7100 if you have any queries regarding the role of a Director at Bowls Victoria.