Bowls Victoria is committed to providing opportunities for people of All Abilities to participate in our sport; this includes making our sport more accessible to People with Disabilities (PWD).
With the support of several disability organisations, Bowls Victoria will continue to educate the wider community about how to be more inclusive of PWD and provide welcoming, inclusive and accessible environments for all to participate at elite and grassroots level.
Eligibility & Classification
Classification in bowls is required when participating at a State, National or International level in an event for bowlers with a disability. Depending on the nature of some of Bowls Victoria’s events for bowlers with a disability, classification may or may not be required, so bowlers are encouraged to check entry conditions for each event for more information.
For more information on the classification for bowlers with a vision impairment please contact Blind Bowls Victoria.
For more information on the classification process for bowlers with a physical disability, check out International Bowls for the Disabled or contact Bowls Victoria’s Chief Classifier Carlene Gregory for more information.
Disability Categories
There are four main categories for bowlers with a disability in bowls. Bowlers with a hearing impairment (coordinated by Deaf Bowls Victoria), bowlers with an intellectual disability (ID), bowlers with a physical disability and bowlers with a vision impairment (coordinated by Blind Bowls Victoria). Click on the link below for more information regarding each group, and who to contact to get involved!
Bowls Victoria Disabilities Groups
There are a number of different suppliers where bowlers can find a wheelchair suitable for use on a bowling green.
For more information on the requirements for a wheelchair to be used on the green, check out Bowls Australia’s Artificial Devices Policy.
Bowlers Arm
One of the aids assisting bowlers participate in the sport of bowls is the Bowlers Arm. They’re great for people with impairments affecting mobility or strength.
Support Organisations
Disability Sport and Recreation