Promotional Permit

Bowls Victoria is trialling a promotional permit, available to all clubs across the state, once a season, prior to Christmas.

Key aims of the Promotional Permit are:

  • Encourage clubs to promote the sport of lawn bowls in their area
  • Encourage clubs to promote their club to the local area
  • Encourage clubs to host fund raising nights such as Sportsman’s nights and club coaching sessions with the promotional permit players
  • Create sponsorship opportunities for clubs
  • Create revenue making opportunities for clubs and players
  • Increase exposure for clubs and players

The rules around the Promotional Permit are:

  • One per season, per club. Must be used prior to Christmas break.
  • Can only be used on players from another region/state/country.
  • Promotional player must fit within the 3-player marquee cap for a club
  • Player must not already be playing on a pennant permit form for that season in that competition (eg, a Player on a Weekend permit to their non-primary club for weekend pennant is not eligible for a promotional permit for weekend pennant).
  • If playing in metropolitan pennant, the player must be from a regional region, not another metropolitan region.
  • An eligible player can play on multiple promotional permits.
  • Form must be completed, and approved by BV, 14 days prior to promotional permit player representing the club.