To fundraise with minor gaming activities, clubs must declare with the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR).

Clubs do not have to register with Consumer Affairs Victoria if they receive less than $20,000 a year from their fundraising efforts – as part of a fundraising exemption order.

However, clubs still need to be declared with the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) if they hold fundraising activities, like raffles and bingo, that are based on chance.

Being declared as a community or charitable organisation:

Bowls Victoria met with the Education team at the VCGLR and learnt that regardless of how much money is raised, clubs must register with the VCGLR if their fundraising involves minor gaming activities.

To be declared clubs must meet certain criteria:

  • demonstrate they are conducted in good faith
  • lodge their applications at least 28 days before the first gaming activity.

It’s free and a declaration lasts for 10 years.

Is my Club already registered?

Check if your bowls club is listed as a declared community or charitable organisation with the VCGLR. If you’re not registered, here’s the application form.

It’s best to get help if you are not sure:

Check out the VCGLR fundraising factsheet and if your club is in doubt about any of the activities they run or what’s required, or if you just want reassurance, please contact the VCGLR:

P: 1300 182 457