Local Council

Clubs are encouraged to build a positive relationship with their local council’s sport or recreation staff to discuss facility development plans and advocate for support. A great resource is the Know Your Council website.

Your local council:

  • can provide ongoing advice and support
  • may have funds available to help in developing facilities and projects
  • may have a sport and recreation council or committee that encourages input in council sport and recreation policies and issues from sporting community groups
  • may have a club development program to assist clubs with their management and administration

Things you can do to establish a good relationship with your local council are:

  • get to know your council’s elected members, senior officers, and recreation and maintenance staff
  • invite council representatives to club functions to present trophies, enjoy your hospitality and, most importantly, show them appreciation for the services they provide
  • understand the problems your council is having and help them with issues that affect your club
  • acknowledge your council whenever you can, particularly in any public arena
  • don’t complain, but rather approach problems constructively and seek ‘win-win’ solutions
  • encourage other community groups to take an interest in your sport by inviting them to participate in club activities
  • establish a positive public relations programme by appointing a member to liaise with the council