Is your club eligible?
Round 2 of Sport & Recreation Victoria’s Sporting Clubs Grants Program is now open.
Clubs and Regions can apply for one or multiple grants* across the four categories:
1: Uniforms or Equipment
Grants up to $1,000 to purchase uniforms or other equipment that is essential for participation, safety, or first aid equipment for immediate attention to injury that may occur participating in sport or active recreation.
2: Skill Development
Grants to improve the skills of organisation members by providing training for coaches, officials, administration staff and management committees.
- Up to $2,000 for individual organisations.
- Up to $5,000 for leagues, associations or an organisation that collaborates with multiple organisations to deliver training for a broad range of participants.
3: Organisation Operational Capacity
Grants of up to $5,000 to improve the operational effectiveness and efficiency of organisations through strategic planning or to increase community participation through accessible sport and active recreation opportunities such as alternative, modified or pilot programs.
4: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Recovery
Grants to provide support to Victorian sport and active recreation organisations to be COVIDSafe and assist with return to play costs and initiatives.
- Up to $2,000 for community sporting and active recreation clubs.
- Up to $5,000 for leagues and associations affiliated with recognised state sporting associations or state sport and recreation bodies.
* Clubs/Regions who have already received a grant from this program, either in the current or previous financial year, are only able to submit one application in this round from the new Category 4: COVID Recovery.
We encourage all Victorian Clubs & Regions to submit applications to secure a grant in one or more categories (where eligible).
Applications close 18/03/2021.