Multi-language Handouts & Integration Grants now available

by Team BV

Sport is a major part of life in Australia and we are a proud multicultural society. Our 500 plus Bowls Clubs in Victoria are inclusive community hubs where anyone from any ability, gender, culture and walk of life can enjoy our great game.

One challenges Clubs may encounter is different languages. To assist Clubs, Bowls Victoria have developed multi-language handouts to help overcome language barriers.

These can be downloaded and left at the club to assist new people to easily understand and access the sport and remove a common barrier to participation.

The languages we have available in this first release are Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Somali and Vietnamese.

Welcome to Bowls multicultural handouts:


If there is another language you think would be valuable for your club please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our participation team at

If this motivates your club to develop further resources or run specific multicultural events please see below a new funding stream which clubs can investigate to gain funding to deliver more inclusive multicultural objectives.


Fostering Integration Grants – now open for applications

The Australian Government is inviting applications through an open competitive process to apply to deliver services under the Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Program: Fostering Integration Grants in 2019-20.

The objective of the grant opportunity is to facilitate the participation, integration and social cohesion of both newly arrived migrants and culturally diverse communities in Australia by:

  • encouraging the social and economic participation of migrants by developing skills and cultural competencies to integrate into Australian social, economic and civic life, and build community resilience
  • promoting and encouraging the uptake of Australian values and liberal democracy and amplifying the value of Australian citizenship
  • promoting a greater understanding and acceptance of racial, religious and cultural diversity
  • addressing issues within Australian communities that show potential for, or early signs of, low social integration.

Applications close at 11:00 pm AEDT on 5 November 2019.

Information about applying for this round can be found on the Community Grants Hub website and GrantConnect.