Round 18 Metro Pennant weather information
Earlier this week Bowls Victoria notified all Metropolitan Clubs in writing that recorded temperature may reach 36 degrees on Saturday, March 2 and potentially impact Round 18 of Metropolitan Pennant.
Clubs were given the options to re-schedule their games to Saturday Morning as per the Metropolitan Conditions of Play (Schedule Two, Clause 11). For Clubs who chose not to change their game time, the default start time of 1:00 PM remains.
On extreme heat days, Bowls Victoria encourages all clubs, players and officials to be sun smart.
Exercise in hot weather increases the risk of heat illness and stress in some people. Players, officials, and spectators are encouraged to wear head protection, sunscreen, sunglasses, keep hydrated and seek shade when possible.
It is advised that clubs run fans and air conditioners, use ice packs, and have all shade sails out. All clubs have a duty of care to players, spectators and officials and therefore it’s important to make your facility as comfortable as possible for those attending.
Bowls Victoria also recommended that all side managers exercise the option of a break (Schedule Two, Clause 10) on Saturday, to assist all players in managing heat stress. That break should be as long as players require.
Please take into consideration that a duty of care also lies with each player as to whether they should be playing on days when it is going to be nudging the heat threshold. A decision not to play may be in the individual’s best interests in the long term. No amount of pressure from a Club for a member to play should be considered above their own personal well-being, which they are individually the deciders of.
For more information on the heat clauses in the current Bowls Victoria Metropolitan Conditions of Play, please click here to view sections 53 and 54.
Heat policy information
For more information around the heat policy, please visit the Metropolitan Pennant Rules + Forms page of our website.
Where do I get further information?
Delegated Club Secretaries and Club Communications Officers were provided information from Bowls Victoria via email this week in relation to the expected forecast for Saturday.
Club Secretaries and CCOs are Bowls Victoria’s key contact people at your club. These delegates are responsible for distributing information from Bowls Victoria to their club committee and club members. Please speak to these people within your club for further information about Saturday Pennant weather and playing information.