Metro Pennant and Double Header dates set to be released

by Team BV

With a new season of pennant nearing, Bowls Victoria will release a provisional draw to Metro clubs commencing the week of July 16, 2018. With a new season of pennant nearing, Bowls Victoria will release a provisional draw to Metro clubs during the week of July 16, 2018. We encourage clubs to look at their sections and travel schedule early and communicate any changes to us within one week of release.

Following the provisional draw release, the final draw for Metro Pennant will be released no later than the week of August 13, 2018.

You can find the dates for Midweek and Saturday Metro Pennant here. The midweek draw dates are for both the Open and Women’s Only Competitions. Saturday draw dates are for all divisions.

Please note: the main change to previous seasons is that for Saturday Metropolitan Pennant, Australia Day in 2019 falls on a Saturday (January 26). In lieu of this weekend, clubs will play a doubleheader on Saturday December 8th and Sunday December 9th, 2018. Clubs will not encounter any fines for any rounds not played on Sunday December 9, but competition points will still count.

Clubs are encouraged to fixture their Pennant games on a Friday night (excluding round 18). If you wish to schedule a Friday night game, please organise this with the opposition club and then notify Bowls Victoria directly.

If you have any questions regarding pennant competition dates, please email us at