Access for All Abilities program a hit in Kerang

by Team BV

Courtesy of Mallee Sports Assembly.
Bowling is very popular, especially for people of all abilities who wanted more opportunities to play at the Kerang Bowling Club. The Kerang Bowling Club have once again opened their doors and support inclusive sport and recreation.The 4 week program commenced Tuesday 15th May 2018, and anyone is most welcome to attend.
Rhonda Allan of the Mallee Sports Assembly once again contacted Gayle Teasdale of the Kerang Bowling Club and states “This club continues to support inclusive sport & recreation for people of all abilities”. As mentioned previously this program is an initiative of the “Access for All Abilities” program (funded by Dept Health and Human Services under the Sport & Recreation of Victoria “umbrella”) which focuses on inclusive sport and recreation for all levels of abilities.
For the first session the participants had one on one coaching support from the volunteer club members which was excellent. The club also had a “bowlers arm” available for those who required that extra aid to assist with bowling. This modification increases participation and supports inclusion.
The morning was cool but sunny and absolutely perfect for the game. Staff and participants from Murray Human Services all had fun and enjoyed trying to hit the kitty. Old CDs were also used as a half way target to aim at to assist the delivery of the ball to the hit the kitty. Club members Gayle Teasdale, Don and Jacqui Jenkins, Maureen Lowry and new club member Sherylyn Barnes-Randell all attended to assist with the session and we thank them sincerely for their support. All are welcome to attend.

Bowls Victoria attends the final session for All Abilities at Kerang Bowling Club
It was a crisp, fine morning for the final session of the 4 week program of lawn bowling for people of all abilities. Talk about great club support, there were 8 club volunteers in attendance to assist the participants from Murray Human Services with their game. Rhonda Allan of the Mallee Sports Assembly welcomed everyone and introduced new staff member from Bowls Victoria, Darci Tierney who is based in Melbourne.
Bowling is always very popular with the participants who keep wanting to come back. Rhonda Allan liaised with Gayle Teasdale to conduct the program. Gayle and the club are always supportive and encourage inclusive support and recreation.  As mentioned previously this program is an initiative of the “Access for All Abilities” program (funded by Dept Health and Human Services under the Sport & Recreation of Victoria “umbrella”) which focuses on inclusive sport and recreation for all levels of abilities.
The final session included many games on the back greens and when required, the “bowlers arm” was used assist with lawn bowling.  Once again old CDs were also used as a half way target to aim at to assist the delivery of the ball to the hit the kitty. These modifications increases participation and supports inclusion. Volunteers that assisted on the day were: Gayle Teasdale, Don and Jacqui Jenkins, Maureen Lowry, Sherylyn Barnes-Randell, Merv Tilley, Lorraine Adams and Mick Fowler. A big thank to them for making the environment so welcoming.
Following an hour of game play, everyone resumed to the club rooms for a delicious morning tea provided by the volunteers. Bowls Victoria staff member Darci Tierney spoke on her back ground and her current role and also had some hand-outs to give away.  Rhonda Allan then presented the club (Gayle Teasdale) with a “Certificate of Appreciation”. Gayle then presented all the participants a “Certificate of Achievement” for their superb efforts and involvement with the program. Murray Human Services staff member John Quinn was also congratulated and thanked for his enthusiasm and inspiration to assist the best for his participants.
Well done again to the Kerang Bowling Club.