Opening day at Berwick Bowling Club
Nearly 150 members made for a great turnout at the official opening of Berwick Bowling Club for the 2017-18 season.
The event was opened with an address by the Chair of the Bowls Section, Jeff Janetzki, after which a delicious lunch of BBQ chicken, potato salad and coleslaw was provided by the very organised and hard-working team of volunteers in the kitchen.
Board Of Management Chairman, Ed Wilson, then introduced Bowls Victoria Director, Marilla Rootsey, who presented 90th birthday certificates to Harold Hack and Rino de Bastiani, both of whom still play regularly and with great commitment. Jim Blewett was also a recipient but unfortunately was unable to attend.
Also in line for recognition of their achievements were Joan Heggart as Women’s Club Champion, and Cliff Fothergill as Men’s Club Champion.
A special Bowls Victoria Outstanding Service Award was presented to long serving member, Albert Bertoncello, who joined the Club in 1967 and has enjoyed many successes on the greens as well as contributing significantly in various ways to the Club over the years.
After the speeches, teams for the social game were drawn using the sophisticated “lollipop stick” method.
Play got underway after the traditional “spider game” where everyone bowled 1 bowl at the same time to the centre of green 2 in an attempt to get closest to the marker.
The social game was played in high spirits (and to a fair degree of competitiveness by some) despite the less than pleasant weather, after which a sumptuous afternoon tea was laid on by the still energetic team of volunteers.
A few more speeches, quite a number of “fines” imposed for various “offences”, and several lucky draw prizes dished out, and the events for the day were brought to a conclusion.