The Lawman – Sept 29 2016

by John Roberts

By John Roberts, Bowls Victoria Umpiring Committee Chairman

Over the last month of seminars across Victoria and throughout the many training sessions for umpires, markers and measurers undertaken, it is clear that many bowlers do not have a good understanding of what Jack High means.

This lack of understanding is not only limited to club bowlers, but bowlers operating at both State and National Level.

So where is the bowl when is it truly Jack High?

The Laws of the Sport define Jack High as: when the nearest part of a bowl is in line with and at the same distance from the mat line as the nearest part of the jack. (C.26 , page  12, 3rd Edition Crystal  Mark)

This diagram clearly shows a bowl jack high or jack level. The arrow indicates the direction of play.

This is a bowl in front of jack high

This is a bowl past jack high.

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