Bowls Victoria Club Affiliation Fees
Bowls Victoria advises that Club Affiliation Fees will increase by 2.75% for the 2016-17 financial year.
In advising this fee increase it provides the opportunity for individual Clubs to set their Club membership fees for next season. 2016-17 fees will be based and invoiced on what was paid for in the 2015-16 season plus 2.75%.
This follows Bowls Australia’s previous decision to adjust upwards its charges to State and Territory Associations by 3% for 2016-17.
Whilst Bowls Victoria has kept the increase as low as possible, an increase in our fees is necessary to allow us to continue to administer the sport effectively and in the manner which recently led to Bowls Victoria receiving a positive tick of approval from the Australian Sports Commission on our on-going commitment to applicable governance standards and requirements for sport.
We thank members for their understanding.
Graeme Bridge