DSR launches Score! via bowls

by Team BV

Bowls is for everyone.
And the strengths of the sport as an inclusive, great-to-play experience for all ages and abilities were on show as Disability Sport and Recreation used bowls to launch their Score! online directory at Sebastopol Bowling Club in Ballarat.
Score! aims to connect people with disabilities with sports, sports providers and clubs, making it easier for they and their families and carers to find activities and suitable venues.
It is an interactive directory of sport and recreation, accessible venues and events for people with a disability.
Bowls clubs with applicable programs will be part of Score!
And more than 50 people got to test-drive bowls at Sebastopol as part of the launch, in which Bowls Victoria Chief Executive Graeme Bridge spoke alongside DSR CEO Richard Amon.
“Our message is that bowls is for everyone. It’s a wonderfully inclusive sport that anyone can play,” Mr Bridge said.
Sebastopol Bowling Club president Bill Moore said Score’s unique rating and feedback system would give local people confidence that activities on offer were right for them.
“Our club is already running a few programs for people with a disability. With a positive rating or review in Score!, a parent or carer will be able to see immediately that if their child comes to our club, they will be welcomed, included and given the chance to learn and play bowls in a safe environment,” he said.
Mr Amon said health was a basic human right, and that Score! would help Victorians with disability exercise that right.
“No matter who you are or where you live, every Victorian has the right to good health.
“Through resources like Score! we are doing what we can to empower Victorians with disability get active and enjoy better health.”
Bowls Victoria heavily promotes inclusion and the sport’s accessibility for all through integrated State teams for bowlers with a disability and Bowlers Arm.
Sebastopol is one of many Bowls Victoria clubs which run Access All Abilities programs.
You can find out more about Score! at Disability Sport and Recreation’s website here