Bowls goes to Government House
Bowls Victoria is very proud to be invited to participate in Government House Open Day 2016 on Tuesday, January 26.
Our Patron, the Honourable Linda Dessau AM, Governor of Victoria and His Honour Judge Howard, will host an Open Day on Australia Day.
Members of the public are invited to view Government House and Grounds between 9.30 am and 4pm (self-guided tours of the House will conclude at 3.30 pm).
As part of the festivities, Bowls Victoria will run a Come And Try bowls display in the grounds of Government House.
Keep an eye out for our display, and come and show your skills.
Or if you’ve always thought about taking up bowls but weren’t sure how to go about it, we can help you learn all about it
Other community organisations participating in Government House Open Day include Croquet Victoria, Tennis Victoria, Golf Victoria, AFL, Royal Flying Doctor Service, CFA, Collingwood Children’s Farm, Life Education, INSIDE the BRICK and the Skin & Cancer Foundation.
Living Legends will once again feature in the Hopetoun Stables.
Please note queues are expected to form for entry into Government House. Queues will be entertained by a range of roving performers.
There will also be performances throughout the day featuring community groups including the Choir of Hard Knocks, The CHO!R, Voices without Borders, The Song Room and The Rising Suns.
Visitors are welcome to bring their own picnic or to purchase food from a number of vendors including the Country Women’s Association, SecondBite, St Vincent de Paul, Mr Burger, Huxtaburger, Afrofeast, Burn City, Pick a Pita.
Ice cream and coffee vendors will also be on site throughout the day.
There will be no vehicle access to Government House throughout day. Visitors are encouraged to use public transport to access the precinct.
Government House map
10 reasons to play bowls
Governor of Victoria website