Picture gallery – our Vic Open volunteers
Without them, the Victorian Open simply couldn’t function.
The wonderful band of volunteers who put so much time and effort into the event at the 17 venues around Greater Shepparton are a priceless asset to the Open.
Without those who help run the venues, collate the scores, run the bar, make the lunches, man the barbecue, along with the many umpires and markers who officiate the matches, there wouldn’t be a tournament.
One such volunteer is Mick Trevaskis, who’s been involved at Hill Top BC at Tatura for 32 years.
Mick’s currently the Secretary, CCO, and vice-president of the Hill Top Golf and Bowls Club, chairman of the tournament committee, plus a number of different roles that need to be done.
“The club relies on volunteers to survive. I’ve got a bit more time now so I’m happy to spend some more time here at the club helping out.
“I’m here at 6:30am to turn on the urns and normally the last to leave.”
Victorian Open tournament director Barb Gilbert is full of praise for the remarkable band of volunteers who make the event what it is.
“Without you, there’d be no event,” Barb says.
“We estimate there’s around 250 volunteers involved at our 17 venues. We thank you for your support.
“You are all simply the best.”
Tuesday was set aside as volunteers’ day at the Vic Open, with a social media campaign labelled #thankyouTuesday.
Bowls Victoria’s social media campaign highlighted the volunteers’ great work with pictures of some of those who’ve volunteered to help at the tournament. Some of their images feature in the picture gallery below.
Bowls Victoria will again recognise its volunteers statewide in the now-annual Volunteer of the Year award.
Perhaps those featured here could be nominated by their clubs for the award, and hopefully follow in the footsteps of 2015’s inaugural Bowls Victoria Volunteer of the Year, Greg Ritchie from City Memorial Bowls Club in Warrnambool.